
Dell Perc 6/i on FreeBSD

要跑 zfs 的主機還得等上一段時間才會到,先買了張便宜又大碗的 Dell Perc 6i 來用。

CPU:Intel P4 3.0GHz
RAM:512MB DDR2 x 2
MB:Supermicro PDSLA
HDD:Hitach 1TB (7K1000.B) x 4
OS:FreeBSD 8.0R i386

安裝 megacli
#cd /usr/ports/sysutils/linux-megacli/ && make  install clean
會出現須自行至 LSI 下載檔案到 /usr/ports/distfiles,下載完後若沒 load linux kernel module 記得先 kldload linux 後再 make (忘記沒 load 的話編到哪裡會出錯)。編完後照著說明編輯 loader.conf、sysctl.conf、fstab 等檔案。megacli 指令可參考 Managing PERC 6 with MegaCli under Solaris 10 或是 MegaCLI cheat sheet

Raid 5 效能測試
# diskinfo -t /dev/mfid0
        512             # sectorsize
        2998960914432   # mediasize in bytes (2.7T)
        5857345536      # mediasize in sectors
        364602          # Cylinders according to firmware.
        255             # Heads according to firmware.
        63              # Sectors according to firmware.

Seek times:
        Full stroke:      250 iter in   1.556091 sec =    6.224 msec
        Half stroke:      250 iter in   2.696059 sec =   10.784 msec
        Quarter stroke:   500 iter in   4.767586 sec =    9.535 msec
        Short forward:    400 iter in   2.793659 sec =    6.984 msec
        Short backward:   400 iter in   2.692022 sec =    6.730 msec
        Seq outer:       2048 iter in   0.417360 sec =    0.204 msec
        Seq inner:       2048 iter in   0.404697 sec =    0.198 msec
Transfer rates:
        outside:       102400 kbytes in   0.682351 sec =   150069 kbytes/sec
        middle:        102400 kbytes in   0.669891 sec =   152861 kbytes/sec
        inside:        102400 kbytes in   0.694164 sec =   147516 kbytes/sec
# bonnie -d /mnt -s 128
-------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
 -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
   MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
128 103562 99.9 221013 62.2 278379 85.6 101971 100.0 772229 100.0 35227.1 103.7
# bonnie -d /mnt -s 4096
-------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
 -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
   MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
  4096 97948 98.9 225527 69.2 70188 24.7 87023 95.1 191095 31.3 263.1  1.3
因為卡上有 256MB 的 cache 加上有裝電池可以開啟 write back,所以 128MB 的測試根本是爆表的快,不過 4GB 的測試結果也不錯。從 win7 上的 SSD 透過 samba (Gb網路) 寫入 2GB 檔案速度大都維持在 90~100MB/s。本來還想測 rebuild 時間,但剛裝好後的 background initialization 大約 10 分鐘才跑 1%,看到要這麼久就放棄了。後來查到可以透過 megacli –adpsetprop 來設定 RebuildRate 和 BgiRate,馬上將它設定成 100% (預設是 30%),反正遇到硬碟壞掉一定是停止檔案服務全速重建 raid。

1 則留言:

  1. pixnet相簿 , 帳號:albertayu773

    以下為ERROR LOG
    can't read "cntPic": no such variable
    can't read "cntPic": no such variable
    while executing
    "expr $cntPic / 240 "
    (procedure "::pixnet::pic_page_list_vip" line 5)
    invoked from within
    "::pixnet::pic_page_list_vip $id $book $picTotal"
    (procedure "::pixnet::pic_page_list" line 7)
    invoked from within
    "::${::dApp::Priv(cmdNs)}::pic_page_list $opts(id) $opts(book) $i $opts(pw)"
    (procedure "::abrowser::book_download_start" line 85)
    invoked from within
    invoked from within
    ".body.fmeV.lrframe.rframe.abrowser.fmeTitle.btnGo invoke "
    invoked from within
    ".body.fmeV.lrframe.rframe.abrowser.fmeTitle.btnGo instate {pressed !disabled} { .body.fmeV.lrframe.rframe.abrowser.fmeTitle.btnGo state !pressed; .bod..."
    (command bound to event)

